Logo Krakowskiego Rocznika Archiwalnego Krakow Archives Annual

Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny Volume 30

Chief editor: Kamila Follprecht
Scientific secretary: Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha
Published: 2024


  1. From the Editor (Kamila Follprecht)
  2. Małgorzata Bochenek, Tomasz Lech, The first research on the location document of the city of Krakow – assessment of the current state, and integrity of the loosely preserved seal of Bolesław the Chaste with the document, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.001.20760
  3. Robert Gaweł, The resources of the National Archives in Krakow and architectural models of non-existent objects, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.002.20762
  4. Magdalena Goras, Comments on the practical aspect of architectural research using the results of archival research, based on architectural research regarding the relics of the municipal brickworks in Dajwor, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.003.20764
  5. Adam Górski, Source edition in the 21st century – time for a change?, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.004.20766
  6. Adrian Jarosz, DNA in archival, genealogical and historical research and as data storage, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.005.20768
  7. Konrad Meus, A new regional history, i.e., the practical dimension of historical and archival research, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.006.20770
  8. Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha, A walk into the past. The potential of using archives in cultural tourism based on the Śladami Starej Wisły (In the footsteps of the Old Vistula) walking route in a mobile app, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.007.20772
  9. Łukasz Tomasz Sroka, The challenge and potential of commercializing archival research, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.008.20774
  10. Stanisław Szombara, Maps and archives – implications, examples and
    applications, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.009.20776
  11. Mariusz Wollny, The benefits of archives for a writer – a popularizer of history, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.010.20778
  12. Agata Wójcik, The “Wnętrze” album by Zbigniew Otfinowski connected with the return to the Art Deco style in interior design and furniture at the beginning of the 21st century, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.011.20780
  13. Agata Zachariasz, Archival research of Krakow’s cultural landscape, with particular emphasis on gardens, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.012.20782
  14. Ewa Grin-Piszczek, Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU z perspektywy 20 lat. Rzeczywistość i wyzwania (The Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences from a 20-year perspective. Reality and challenges), ed. Paulina Krzywda and Tomasz Pudłocki, p. 250 + photographs, Krakow 2022, Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.013.20784
  15. The second modern seat of the National Archives in Krakow – Nowy Sącz Branch (Paweł Ząbczyński), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.014.20786
  16. The archive inspires. Artistic events for the opening ceremony of the Nowy Sącz Branch of the National Archives in Krakow (Agnieszka Filipek), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.015.20788
  17. Popularization activities of the National Archives in Krakow from October 1, 2023, until September 30, 2024 (Lilianna Pochwalska), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.016.20790
  18. Report regarding the business trip to Augsburg/ Germany on September 23–27, 2024, as part of a free exchange program (Iwona Pilucik), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.017.20792
  19. Popularization activities of the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2023 and the first half of 2024 (Paulina Krzywda), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.24.018.20794

From the Editor

Kamila Follprecht

The first research on the location document of the city of Krakow – assessment of the current state, and integrity of the loosely preserved seal of Bolesław the Chaste with the document

Małgorzata Bochenek, Tomasz Lech

The resources of the National Archives in Krakow and architectural models of non-existent objects

Robert Gaweł

Comments on the practical aspect of architectural research using the results of archival research, based on architectural research regarding the relics of the municipal brickworks in Dajwor

Magdalena Goras

Source edition in the 21st century – time for a change?

Adam Górski

DNA in archival, genealogical and historical research and as data storage

Adrian Jarosz

A new regional history, i.e., the practical dimension of historical and archival research

Konrad Meus

A walk into the past. The potential of using archives in cultural tourism based on the Śladami Starej Wisły (In the footsteps of the Old Vistula) walking route in a mobile app

Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha

The challenge and potential of commercializing archival research

Łukasz Tomasz Sroka

Maps and archives – implications, examples and applications

Stanisław Szombara

The “Wnętrze” album by Zbigniew Otfinowski connected with the return to the Art Deco style in interior design and furniture at the beginning of the 21st century

Agata Wójcik

Archival research of Krakow’s cultural landscape, with particular emphasis on gardens

Agata Zachariasz
Reviews and discussion

Archiwum Nauki PAN i PAU z perspektywy 20 lat. Rzeczywistość i wyzwania (The Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences from a 20-year perspective. Reality and challenges), ed. Paulina Krzywda and Tomasz Pudłocki, p. 250 + photographs

Ewa Grin-Piszczek

The second modern seat of the National Archives in Krakow – Nowy Sącz Branch

Paweł Ząbczyński

The archive inspires. Artistic events for the opening ceremony of the Nowy Sącz Branch of the National Archives in Krakow

Agnieszka Filipek

Popularization activities of the National Archives in Krakow from October 1, 2023, until September 30, 2024

Lilianna Pochwalska

Report regarding the business trip to Augsburg/ Germany on September 23–27, 2024, as part of a free exchange program

Iwona Pilucik

Popularization activities of the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2023 and the first half of 2024

Paulina Krzywda