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Declaration of accessibility of the “Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny” website

Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie (The National Archives in Krakow), 31-510 Kraków, ul. Rakowicka 22E, e-mail: sekretariat@ank.gov.pl, telephone: +48 12 370 56 00, fax: +48 12 370 56 98, is obliged to ensure accessibility of its website in accordance with the law of 4 April 2019 concerning the accessibility of the digital websites and mobile applications of public bodies. The declaration in the matter of accessibility is applicable to the “Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny” website.

Status in terms of compliance with the law

The website is partially compliant with the law concerning the accessibility of the digital websites and mobile applications of public bodies due to the non-compliance or exclusions listed below.

Inaccessible content

Preparation of the declaration regarding accessibility

The declaration was prepared based on a self-assessment.

Feedback and contact data

Edyta Lelek, coordinator of accessibility in the National Archives in Krakow, is responsible for dealing with comments and proposals, e-mail: elelek@ank.gov.pl, telephone: +48 12 370 56 30.

All people have the right to:

The demand must contain:

Such demands should be dealt with immediately, within 7 days at the latest. If, in this time, the accessibility or access in an alternative form is not possible, it should take place within 2 months of the demand being made.

Claims and appeals

If these deadlines are not met, as well as if the demand is refused, it is possible to make a claim to the supervisory body by post or e-mail to: Naczelny Dyrektor Archiwów Państwowych (Supervisory Director of the State Archives), 02-517 Warszawa, ul. Rakowiecka 2D, e-mail: ndap@archiwa.gov.pl, telephone: +48 22 565 460.

Claims can also be submitted to the Polish Ombudsman.

Architectural accessibility

English translation in progress. Information on architectural accessibility is available in Polish language only.

Additional information


Other information and statement

The National Archives in Krakow does not currently ensure the option to communicate using sign language.

We do not provide access to any mobile application either.

Ensuring the accessibility of services is a process. We are trying to ensure the accessibility and usability of our website, however, if you have any comments, please contact the coordinator of accessibility in the National Archives in Krakow – Edyta Lelek, e-mail address: elelek@ank.gov.pl, tel. +48 12 370 56 30.