Logo Krakowskiego Rocznika Archiwalnego Krakow Archives Annual

Policy of open access

“Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny” is issued using an open model, as part of the policy of free distribution of the results of scientific research and open access to scientific publications. Open access leads to, among others, the development of science, it generates and accelerates the process of creating innovation in society and the economy, and it allows citizens to easily find out about the latest knowledge.

The concept of open science and open access was described in detail on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Our journal is available free of charge in a digital form online, without any restrictions.

“Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny” is issued using the Creative Commons 4.0 (CC-BY) free licence. Logotyp licencji Creative Commons - Uznanie autorstwa (CC-BY)

Such a licensing model ensures free and open access to texts published in our journal, while respecting copyright laws.

Submitting a text to us is equivalent to giving consent for its publication using the above licence.

In the event of any doubts as to the range of copyright laws for the authors of texts published in our journal, please contact the Editorial Team. We are ready to take all necessary steps to clarify and regulate any possible formalities.