Logo Krakowskiego Rocznika Archiwalnego Krakow Archives Annual

Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny Volume 24

Chief editor: Kamila Follprecht
Scientific secretary: Aldona Warzecha
Published: 2018


  1. Krzysztof Frankowicz, Renaissance book collection of Stanislaus Rosarius, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.001.14388
  2. Anna Lebet-Minakowska, Szymon Rabinowicz – rediscovered, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.002.14389
  3. Jakub Bodaszewski, Activities of the National-Radical Camp and Falanga National-Radical Camp in Krakow and the Krakow region in the years 1934–1939, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.003.14390
  4. Bożena Lesiak-Przybył, Wielka wojna w „Dzienniku” Aleksandry Czechówny (część V: 5 stycznia – 2 listopada 1918 r.), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.004.14391
  5. Konrad Myślik, The daily life and peculiarities of Krakow during the years 1978–1983 in the journals of Henryk Majcherek, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.005.14392
  6. Konrad Kołodziejczyk, Resources of the archive and library of Saint Catherine’s parish in Wolbrom, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.006.14393
  7. Paweł Glugla, The archival materials of the deanery of the Baranów Sandomierz Diocese in the resources of the Diocesan Archives. Archbishop Jerzy Ablewicz in Tarnów, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.007.14394
  8. Barbara Zbroja, The design of Józef Czajkowski for the meeting hall of the Krakow town hall, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.008.14395
  9. Jerzy Dębski, Oficerowie Wojska Polskiego w obozie koncentracyjnym Auschwitz 1940–1945. Słownik biograficzny (Officers of the Polish Army in the Auschwitz concentration camp 1940–1945. Biographical dictionary), v. 1–6, v. 1: p. 412, v. 2: p. 340; v. 3: p. 384; v. 4: p. 319, v. 5: p. 303; v. 6: p. 326, Oświęcim 2016, Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau (Liliana Kaczor), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.009.14396
  10. Bogdan Kasprzyk, Towarzystwo Urzędników Gminy Stołecznego Królewskiego Miasta Krakowa (Clerical Association of the Royal Capital of Krakow) (1872–2017), p. 456, Kraków 2017, Towarzystwo Urzędników Gminy Stołecznego Królewskiego Miasta Krakowa (Monika Andrasz-Mrożek), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.010.14397
  11. Przypomniane wspomnienia…, Michalina Grekowicz-Hausnerowa, Chleb dziennikarski ma smak rozmaity… Wspomnienia, wstęp i opracowanie Karolina Grodziska (Recalled memories… Michalina Grekowicz-Hausnerowa, Journalistic bread has different flavors… Memories, introduction and elaboration by Karolina Grodziska), p. 342, Kraków 2017, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Biblioteka Naukowa PAU i PAN w Krakowie (Grażyna Lichończak-Nurek), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.011.14398
  12. Report concerning the construction of the new headquarters of the National Archives in Krakow in 2018 (Paweł Ząbczyński, Lilianna Pochwalska), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.012.14399
  13. Popularization of the resources of the National Archives in Krakow during the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence (Lilianna Pochwalska, Tomasz Wroński), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.013.14400
  14. “Halo, tu Archiwum!” 2018 (“Hallo, the Archives here!” 2018) – educational event of the National Archives in Krakow (Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.014.14401
  15. KOHA library system – a step towards more efficient management of scientific information in state archives (Karolina Zięba), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.015.14402
  16. Report concerning work in the Polish Library in Paris in 2018 (Zbigniew Dyrdoń), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.016.14403
  17. Report concerning work in the Polish Library in Paris in 2018 (Wiesław Filipczyk), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.017.14404
  18. Report concerning a stay in the Federal Archives in Ludwigsburg, as part of the EHRI program (Agnieszka Filipek), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.018.14405
  19. Report concerning work in Fondation Archivum Helveto-Polonicum in Fryburg, Switzerland in 2018 (Agnieszka Filipek, Grażyna Spyrka), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.019.14406
  20. Report concerning work in the Archives of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London in 2018 (Mariusz Kluczewski), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.020.14407
  21. Report concerning work in the Jozef Pilsudski Institute in London in 2018 (Sylwester Rękas), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.021.14408
  22. Report concerning work in the Polish Underground Movement Study Trust in London in 2018 (Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.022.14409
  23. Report concerning work in the Pontifical Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies as well as expert opinions prepared regarding the Begey Archive in the Royal Library in Turin in 2018 (Mariola Szaleniec), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.023.14410
  24. Helping to maintain memories… Activities popularizing the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in the years 2016–2018 (Paulina Krzywda), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.18.024.14411

Renaissance book collection of Stanislaus Rosarius

Krzysztof Frankowicz

Szymon Rabinowicz – rediscovered

Anna Lebet-Minakowska

Activities of the National-Radical Camp and Falanga National-Radical Camp in Krakow and the Krakow region in the years 1934–1939

Jakub Bodaszewski
Source materials

The Great War in the “Journal” of Aleksandra Czechówna (Part V: 5 January – 2 November 1918)

Bożena Lesiak-Przybył
Source materials

The daily life and peculiarities of Krakow during the years 1978–1983 in the journals of Henryk Majcherek

Konrad Myślik
Archival science issues

Resources of the archive and library of Saint Catherine’s parish in Wolbrom

Konrad Kołodziejczyk
Archival science issues

The archival materials of the deanery of the Baranów Sandomierz Diocese in the resources of the Diocesan Archives. Archbishop Jerzy Ablewicz in Tarnów

Paweł Glugla

The design of Józef Czajkowski for the meeting hall of the Krakow town hall

Barbara Zbroja
Reviews and discussion

Jerzy Dębski, Oficerowie Wojska Polskiego w obozie koncentracyjnym Auschwitz 1940–1945. Słownik biograficzny (Officers of the Polish Army in the Auschwitz concentration camp 1940–1945. Biographical dictionary), v. 1–6, v. 1: p. 412, v. 2: p. 340; v. 3: p. 384; v. 4: p. 319, v. 5: p. 303; v. 6: p. 326, Oświęcim 2016, Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau

Liliana Kaczor
Reviews and discussion

Bogdan Kasprzyk, Towarzystwo Urzędników Gminy Stołecznego Królewskiego Miasta Krakowa (Clerical Association of the Royal Capital of Krakow) (1872–2017), p. 456, Kraków 2017, Towarzystwo Urzędników Gminy Stołecznego Królewskiego Miasta Krakowa

Monika Andrasz-Mrożek
Reviews and discussion

Przypomniane wspomnienia..., Michalina Grekowicz-Hausnerowa, Chleb dziennikarski ma smak rozmaity... Wspomnienia, wstęp i opracowanie Karolina Grodziska (Recalled memories... Michalina Grekowicz-Hausnerowa, Journalistic bread has different flavors... Memories, introduction and elaboration by Karolina Grodziska), p. 342, Kraków 2017, Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Biblioteka Naukowa PAU i PAN w Krakowie

Grażyna Lichończak-Nurek

Report concerning the construction of the new headquarters of the National Archives in Krakow in 2018

Paweł Ząbczyński, Lilianna Pochwalska

Popularization of the resources of the National Archives in Krakow during the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining its independence

Lilianna Pochwalska, Tomasz Wroński

“Halo, tu Archiwum!” 2018 (“Hallo, the Archives here!” 2018) – educational event of the National Archives in Krakow

Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha

KOHA library system – a step towards more efficient management of scientific information in state archives

Karolina Zięba

Report concerning work in the Polish Library in Paris in 2018

Zbigniew Dyrdoń

Report concerning work in the Polish Library in Paris in 2018

Wiesław Filipczyk

Report concerning a stay in the Federal Archives in Ludwigsburg, as part of the EHRI program

Agnieszka Filipek

Report concerning work in Fondation Archivum Helveto-Polonicum in Fryburg, Switzerland in 2018

Agnieszka Filipek, Grażyna Spyrka

Report concerning work in the Archives of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London in 2018

Mariusz Kluczewski

Report concerning work in the Jozef Pilsudski Institute in London in 2018

Sylwester Rękas

Report concerning work in the Polish Underground Movement Study Trust in London in 2018

Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha

Report concerning work in the Pontifical Institute of Ecclesiastical Studies as well as expert opinions prepared regarding the Begey Archive in the Royal Library in Turin in 2018

Mariola Szaleniec

Helping to maintain memories… Activities popularizing the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in the years 2016–2018

Paulina Krzywda