Logo Krakowskiego Rocznika Archiwalnego Krakow Archives Annual

Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny Volume 29

Chief editor: Kamila Follprecht
Scientific secretary: Anna Sokół, Aldona Warzecha
Published: 2023


  1. Jakub Bodaszewski, Description of the Czeluśnica, Gąsówka and Umieszcz village borders at the end of the 18th century in the light of the first Austrian real estate cadastre, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.001.18609
  2. Kamila Follprecht, Kraków letterheads as a historical source (mid-19th century – early 20th century). Outline of the subjects, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.002.18610
  3. Bernadeta Wilk, Academy Scholar. Relationships of Tadeusz Smoleński (1884–1909) and the Academy of Arts and Sciences, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.003.18611
  4. Wiktor Szymborski, Marian Friedberg’s educational activities, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.004.18612
  5. Maciej Łyszczarz, The 22nd Carpathian Lancer Regiment in 1924–1925 through the eyes of cavalryman Józef Puchała, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.005.18613
  6. Grażyna Spyrka, Acquiring, in the years 2021–2022, archival materials that are on loan and used on the basis of lending agreements for the National Archives in Kraków, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.006.18614
  7. Waldemar Chorążyczewski, Halina Dudała, Introduction to Archival All Souls’ Day, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.007.18615
  8. Wojciech Krawczuk, Other roads in archives, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.008.18616
  9. Waldemar Chorążyczewski, Halina Dudała, An archivist in search of depth, in other words, a discussion about archive theology, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.009.18617
  10. Tomasz Gałuszka OP, Theology of memory according to St Thomas Aquinas. A voice in the discussion, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.010.18618
  11. Dariusz Magier, Transcendence of the archival universe. Questions about metaphysics in archival science, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.011.18619
  12. Magdalena Wiśniewska-Drewniak, Archives – impact and values, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.012.18620
  13. Kamila Follprecht, Between city and cemetery, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.013.18621
  14. Wiesław Filipczyk, “Testamenty i układy majątkowe książąt Lubartowiczów-Sanguszków. Wybór tekstów źródłowych z lat 1750–1901. Editio nova” (Wills and property arrangements of the Lubartowicz-Sanguszko princes. A selection of source texts from 1750–1901. Editio nova), introduction and main text by Jolanta M. Marszalska, Waldemar Graczyk, p. 231, Wydawnictwo Chronicon, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.014.18622
  15. Popularization activities of the National Archives in Kraków in the second half of 2022 and the first three quarters of 2023 (Lilianna Pochwalska), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.015.18623
  16. “Bez korzeni nie zakwitniesz. Moja Wielka i Mała Ojczyzna” (Without roots you will not bloom. My Great and Little Homeland) (Barbara Berska), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.016.18624
  17. International Archives Day and the promotion of Iwona Fischer’s book “Rząd na emigracji, kancelaria poza krajem. Materiały związane z działalnością Rządu Ukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej w Tarnowie z lat 1917–1922 ze zbiorów Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie” (Government in exile, chancellery outside the country. Materials related to the activities of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Tarnów in the period 1917-1922 from the collections of the National Archives in Kraków) (Iwona Fischer), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.017.18625
  18. “Kraków Archival Annual” in 2023 – an overview of the most important events (Aldona Warzecha), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.018.18626
  19. Popularization activities of the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in the years 2020–2022 (Paulina Krzywda), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.23.019.18627

Description of the Czeluśnica, Gąsówka and Umieszcz village borders at the end of the 18th century in the light of the first Austrian real estate cadastre

Jakub Bodaszewski

Kraków letterheads as a historical source (mid-19th century – early 20th century). Outline of the subjects

Kamila Follprecht

Academy Scholar. Relationships of Tadeusz Smoleński (1884–1909) and the Academy of Arts and Sciences

Bernadeta Wilk

Marian Friedberg’s educational activities

Wiktor Szymborski
Source materials

The 22nd Carpathian Lancer Regiment in 1924–1925 through the eyes of cavalryman Józef Puchała

Maciej Łyszczarz
Archival science issues

Acquiring, in the years 2021–2022, archival materials that are on loan and used on the basis of lending agreements for the National Archives in Kraków

Grażyna Spyrka

Introduction to Archival All Souls’ Day

Waldemar Chorążyczewski, Halina Dudała

Other roads in archives

Wojciech Krawczuk

An archivist in search of depth, in other words, a discussion about archive theology

Waldemar Chorążyczewski, Halina Dudała

Theology of memory according to St Thomas Aquinas. A voice in the discussion

Tomasz Gałuszka OP

Transcendence of the archival universe. Questions about metaphysics in archival science

Dariusz Magier

Archives – impact and values

Magdalena Wiśniewska-Drewniak

Between city and cemetery

Kamila Follprecht
Reviews and Discussion

"Testamenty i układy majątkowe książąt Lubartowiczów-Sanguszków. Wybór tekstów źródłowych z lat 1750–1901. Editio nova" (Wills and property arrangements of the Lubartowicz-Sanguszko princes. A selection of source texts from 1750–1901. Editio nova), introduction and main text by Jolanta M. Marszalska, Waldemar Graczyk, p. 231, Wydawnictwo Chronicon

Wiesław Filipczyk

Popularization activities of the National Archives in Kraków in the second half of 2022 and the first three quarters of 2023

Lilianna Pochwalska

"Bez korzeni nie zakwitniesz. Moja Wielka i Mała Ojczyzna" (Without roots you will not bloom. My Great and Little Homeland)

Barbara Berska

International Archives Day and the promotion of Iwona Fischer’s book "Rząd na emigracji, kancelaria poza krajem. Materiały związane z działalnością Rządu Ukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej w Tarnowie z lat 1917–1922 ze zbiorów Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie" (Government in exile, chancellery outside the country. Materials related to the activities of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Tarnów in the period 1917-1922 from the collections of the National Archives in Kraków)

Iwona Fischer

"Kraków Archival Annual" in 2023 – an overview of the most important events

Aldona Warzecha

Popularization activities of the Archive of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in the years 2020–2022

Paulina Krzywda