Logo Krakowskiego Rocznika Archiwalnego Krakow Archives Annual

Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny Volume 27

Chief editor: Kamila Follprecht
Scientific secretary: Aldona Warzecha
Published: 2021


  1. Mateusz Mataniak, Disputes among residents of Krakow regarding easements of municipal property (central wall and right to a view). In light of the case law of the civil courts in the Free City of Krakow (1815-1846), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.001.14680
  2. Maria Czeppe, Jadwiga Turkowska née Czarnecka (1889-1982), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.002.14681
  3. Karolina Zięba, The activity of Bronisław Piłsudski for the people of Spisz and Orawa. Based on a letter to Bolesław Wysłouch, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.003.14682
  4. Kamila Follprecht, Expansion of archival resources through donations. A contribution to the events of the National Archives in Krakow and its predecessors in the 19th-20th centuries, DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.004.14683
  5. Maria Kasperska-Szach (1944-2021) (Iwona Fischer), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.005.14684
  6. Szczepan Świątek (1946-2021) (Iwona Fischer), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.006.14685
  7. List of scientific and popularizing articles of Szczepan Świątek – selection (Iwona Fischer), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.007.14686
  8. Movement of resources from the Krakow and Spytkowice branches of the National Archives in Krakow in the years 2020-2021 to the new headquarters at 22E Rakowicka Street (Mariusz Kluczewski), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.008.14687
  9. Report concerning the construction of the new headquarters of the National Archives in Krakow. Nowy Sącz Branch (Paweł Ząbczyński), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.009.14688
  10. Popularization of the resources and activities of the National Archives in Krakow in 2021 (Lilianna Pochwalska), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.010.14689
  11. Promotional activities in the Bochnia Branch of the National Archives in Krakow in 2021 (Agnieszka Gicala), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.011.14690
  12. The “Government in exile. State Office outside the country. Materials related to the activities of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Tarnów from 1917 to 1922 from the collection of the National Archives in Krakow” („Rząd na emigracji, kancelaria poza krajem. Materiały związane z działalnością Rządu Ukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej w Tarnowie w latach 1917-1922 ze zbiorów Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie”) exhibition (Iwona Fischer), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.012.14691
  13. The “Behind the lens. Krakow’s photographic studios in the first half of the 20th century” („Za obiektywem. Krakowskie zakłady fotograficzne pierwszej połowy XX wieku”), 30 September – 6 November 2021 (Barbara Zbroja), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.013.14692
  14. New website of “Krakow Archival Annual” and the publication of the journal on the Scientific Journals Online website (Aldona Warzecha), DOI 10.4467/12332135KRA.21.014.14693

Disputes among residents of Krakow regarding easements of municipal property (central wall and right to a view). In light of the case law of the civil courts in the Free City of Krakow (1815-1846)

Mateusz Mataniak

Jadwiga Turkowska née Czarnecka (1889-1982)

Maria Czeppe

The activity of Bronisław Piłsudski for the people of Spisz and Orawa. Based on a letter to Bolesław Wysłouch

Karolina Zięba
Archival science issues

Expansion of archival resources through donations. A contribution to the events of the National Archives in Krakow and its predecessors in the 19th-21st centuries

Kamila Follprecht
In memoriam

Maria Kasperska-Szach (1944-2021)

Iwona Fischer
In memoriam

Szczepan Świątek (1946-2021)

Iwona Fischer
In memoriam

List of scientific and popularizing articles of Szczepan Świątek - selection

Iwona Fischer

Movement of resources from the Krakow and Spytkowice branches of the National Archives in Krakow in the years 2020–2021 to the new headquarters at 22E Rakowicka Street

Mariusz Kluczewski

Report concerning the construction of the new headquarters of the National Archives in Krakow. Nowy Sącz Branch

Paweł Ząbczyński

Popularization of the resources and activities of the National Archives in Krakow in 2021

Lilianna Pochwalska

Promotional activities in the Bochnia Branch of the National Archives in Krakow in 2021

Agnieszka Gicala

The “Government in exile. State Office outside the country. Materials related to the activities of the Government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic in Tarnów from 1917 to 1922 from the collection of the National Archives in Krakow” („Rząd na emigracji, kancelaria poza krajem. Materiały związane z działalnością Rządu Ukraińskiej Republiki Ludowej w Tarnowie w latach 1917–1922 ze zbiorów Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie”) exhibition

Iwona Fischer

The “Behind the lens. Krakow’s photographic studios in the first half of the 20th century” („Za obiektywem. Krakowskie zakłady fotograficzne pierwszej połowy XX wieku”), 30 September - 6 November 2021

Barbara Zbroja

New website of “Krakow Archival Annual” and the publication of the journal on the Scientific Journals Online website

Aldona Warzecha